Willa was born January 19th, 2018. She is the daughter of our Mia and Aerys. She is a beautiful, stocky little girl. She love to play with the other puppies and likes to bark at them while they run around the yard. She also loves to curl up on the chair and take a nap.
Barc's Pied of Bontemps
Maudette (aka Maudette Pickens) is a very sweet puppy. She loves to boss the other dogs around and play in the yard with her 1/2 brother and niece.
Smokey valley's skyfall
Mia: Born November 28, 2015
Mia is the chillest dog we have. We've only heard her bark once. She's usually interested in taking naps and cuddling on our laps.
Mia is the chillest dog we have. We've only heard her bark once. She's usually interested in taking naps and cuddling on our laps.
Barc's It's Always Sunny
Sunny was born June 10, 2008 and is the daughter of Ch. Nanmar's Arthur of Camelot and our Adriane. She is a very loyal little girl and loves attention, but can play rough and hard with the rest of the pack. She is now retired from showing and having puppies. Her days are spent playing outside and sleeping on the couch.